Client: EDF CIPN
Commissioning body: EDF CIPN
General contracting: GMES NUVIA Structure / CBN
Design and construction of a coverall building for the PTR tank
As part of the third safety reassessment of Fessenheim, the NUVIA Structure / CBN consortium has been commissioned to design and build a mechanical protection containment structure in order to limit releases from the vents from the PTR tank into the environment in case of an accident.
Project parties
Project challenges
- Resistance of the structure to earthquakes: 2 times DBE, explosion: 5 kPa, extreme wind: 84 m/s
- Very congested environment
- Handling over the PTR tank forbidden (safety requirement related to the non-aggression of the PTR tank in case of rupture of the lifting beam or slings during handling operations)
- Deadlines
- Identification of the site constraints and customer requirements
- Surveys and 3D modelling of the environment
- Design and sizing of the structure (22 micro piles 10 to 25m deep, reinforced concrete, stub 1m thick, walls height: 2 m, 60 cm thick; metal frame: 13.5m x 14.5m x 20m high)
- Construction methods
- Management of subcontractors
Country: France
Site: Fessenheim
Units 1 & 2
Building: PTR tank